
The optimist and the (br)other half


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I am so called optimist

breaking dispair with my fist

You would be my other half

turning sugar into salt

On and off in argument

when you don´t get what I meant

Where I see an option found

from a cliff there you would jump

While my troubles are welcome

you don´t seem to overcome

In the scrabble you´d type dove

I´d change letter to have love

Where I´m waving with white flag

it would cost you arm and leg

While I´m dancing in the rain

You´d poor cats and dogs again

No reason would make my day

You would need the God to stay

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I´m enjoying fairytales

You would prefer beaten face

I have jokes to make you smile

by your news you´d make one cry

I glued stars above my bed

You would sleep in dark instead

I would dance just to feel joy

you would sport your ass off joints

Without colors I can paint

even with them you´d stay faint

In the end we´re still the team

I´m helping you, you´re helping me

Reality is in your head

Why don´t you pick luck instead

of violence and wreck and dust

Hourglass will empty fast

Dominika Šenkárová

Dominika Šenkárová

  • Počet článkov:  55
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